

Multi-model transport

Multi-model transport

The organization of multi-model transport is the selection of not only an effective and the shortest route but also a means of solving all the organization problems. Only true professionals are capable of predicting and avoiding the problems occurring on the way.

The clients of Fairyland Logistics can order multi-model transport services in the Under-Caucasus. The company engages a staff who is well-aware of the peculiarities of the region. The company has set up offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg to ensure a convenient service for clients and this is an additional benefit.

The quick work and the well-balanced interaction prove to be factors which bring Fairyland Logistics closer to the leading exporters and importers.  The work in all offices of the company is based on the provision of transport services targeted at the full implementation of the commitments at the highest international level.   

The Role of forwarding companies in the organization of multi-model transport  

Forwarding services is a set of organizational methods which make it possible to carry out  beneficial and safe international transport services taking into consideration the risks and possible challenges.

Mixed transportation involves the following processes:

  • Acceptance of application for the delivery of goods by several types of transport  

  • the owner of the goods is not involved in the reloading of the freight;

  • the documental procedure  refers to the responsibilities of the organizer of the transportation  

  • The estimation of the tariffs is done by Fairyland Logistics.

  • a coordinated timely change of the transport on the way;

  • The organization of the transport of goods by the organization of the delivery of the goods to the receivers of the representatives of the firm at the destination.

Inter-modal services can be compared with jewelry work. They are necessary for the realization of freight transportation by different means of transport organized by several carriers. Logistics, due to which goods are transported very rapidly and with minimum losses, helps realize these tasks.

The Advantages of the Cooperation with Fairyland Logistics

The company is able to solve the possible challenges on the way which is beyond the control of the sender. The professionals are well aware of the transportation peculiarities. Hence, the route is chosen so that the goods will not wait long at the reloading spots.  

The actuality of the transport service by several means of transport cannot be overestimated.  The transportation is a continuous process regardless of the necessity to organize reloading. Irrespective of the difficulty of the route and the quantity of the means of transport engaged, the goods will be delivered in due time.